Seven Points of Mind Trainings

Spiritual Path to Enlightenment + Free Book

Seven Points of Mind Trainings

Atisha’s Mind Training in Seven Points is one of the best-known sets of instructions for mind training (lojong) and the practiceof taking and sending (tonglen). The Seven Points comprise a complete practice, with instructions and guidance that cover all the essential points of Mahayana Buddhism.

1. The Preliminaries

First, train in the preliminaries.

2. The Main Practice

Consider all things and events as dreamlike.
Examine the nature of unborn awareness.
Let even the antidote be freed in its own place.
Rest in the ālaya, the essence.
Between sessions, be a conjurer of illusions.

Train in the two—giving and taking—alternately.
These two are to be mounted on the breath.
Three objects, three poisons and three sources of virtue.
In all activities, train by applying slogans.
Begin the process of taking with yourself.

3. Transforming Adversity into the Path of Enlightenment

When all the world is filled with evil,
transform adversity into the path of enlightenment.
Drive all blames into one.
Meditate on the great kindness of all.
Meditating on delusory perceptions as the four kāyas
Is the unsurpassable śūnyatā protection.
The fourfold practice is the best of methods.
Whatever you encounter, apply the practice.

4. Applying the Practice throughout the Whole of Life

The essence of the instruction, briefly stated,
is to apply yourself to the five strengths.
The mahāyāna advice for transference
Involves the same five strengths. Conduct is important.

5. The Measure of Mind Training

All teachings share a single purpose.
Of the two witnesses, rely upon the principal one.
Always maintain only a joyful attitude.
If this can be done even when distracted, you are proficient.

6. The Commitments of Mind Training

Train constantly in three basic principles.
Change your attitude, but remain natural.
Don’t speak of injured limbs.
Don’t ponder others’ flaws.
Train first with the strongest destructive emotions.
Abandon any expectations of results.
Give up poisonous food.
Don’t be so loyal to the cause.
Don’t lash out in retaliation.
Don’t lie in ambush.
Don’t strike a vulnerable point.
Don’t transfer the ox’s burden to the cow.
Don’t be competitive.
Don’t misperform the rites.
Don’t reduce gods to demons.
Don’t seek others’ misery as crutches of your own happiness.

7. The Precepts of Mind Training

Do everything with a single intention.
Counter all adversity with a single remedy.
Two tasks: one at the beginning and one at the end.
Whichever of the two occurs, be patient.
Keep the two, even at your life’s expense.
Train in the three difficulties.
Acquire the three main provisions.
Cultivate the three that must not decline.
Keep the three from which you must not separate.
Apply the training impartially to all.
It is vital that it be deep and all-pervasive.
Meditate constantly on those who’ve been set apart.
Don’t be dependent on external conditions.
This time, practise what’s most important.
Don’t misunderstand.
Don’t be inconsistent.
Train wholeheartedly.
Gain freedom through discernment and analysis.
Don’t be boastful.
Don’t be irritable.
Don’t be temperamental.
Don’t seek acknowledgement.

Facts about Tibet

14,000 ft.

Chomo Langma (Mt. Everest), 29,028 ft.

24 degrees Fahrenheit in January; 58 degrees Fahrenheit in July

Spiritual Practice Essentials