Zen Buddhism

Welcome to the Buddha Land Spiritual Guidance Weekly Newsletter!

We are excited to share a wealth of opportunities to deepen your spiritual practice and connect with your inner self. Each week, we offer a variety of retreats, guided meditations, and other resources to assist you on your spiritual journey.

January's Focus: Zen

What would life be like ifThe road had no bumps,The sea no waves,The fire no sparks,The wind no gusts,And the sky no clouds?


Learning about Zen

Zen Retreats

Zen Movies

  • Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring. Kim Ki-duk. 2003

  • Zen (2009) The Life of Zen Master Dogen - watch here 

  • "A Cloud Never Dies" biographical documentary of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh narrated by Peter Coyote - watch here 

  • Amongst White Clouds - Documentary - 2005 - watch here

  • Walk With Me Narrated by Benedict Cumberbatch, 2017

Zen Books

  • Finding the Still Point: A Beginner's Guide to Zen Meditation by John Daido Loori

  • Zen & Karma: Teachings of Roshi Taisen by Roshi Taisen Deshimaru

  • Everyday Zen: Love and Work by Charlotte J. Beck

  • Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind by Shunryū Suzuki

Zen Masters

Bodhidharma: an Indian or Persian monk, who traveled to China during the 6th century to teach meditation. He is the transmitter of Zen (Chan) Buddhism to China.

Mazu Daoyi: a Chinese monk who invented several teaching techniques that would later become indispensable to many schools of Zen.

Dōgen: the founder of the Soto school of Japanese Zen. He favored shikantaza, a meditation where the sitter is aware of their thoughts but does not interact with them.

Ikkyu Sojun: the Rinzai school of Japanese Zen. He had a great impact on the infusion of Japanese art and literature with Zenideals, as well as on Zen itself, often breaking religious taboos.

Thích Nhất Hạnh: a Vietnamese monk, widely known for his global peace activism. He also founded Engaged Buddhism — a type that emphasizes using mindfulness in everyday activities.

Shunryu Suzuki: often called Suzuki Roshi, was a Japanese Zen Monk and teacher who helped popularize Zen Buddhism in the US.

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