How to become Bodhisattva

The 5 Paths of Mind + Free Book

How to become Bodhisattva: The 5 Paths of Mind

First Path

The Path of Accumulation - (sambharamarga)

The first path begins with the development of Bodhicitta, which is a wish for all beings to attain Buddhahood and break free from the cycle of Samsara, leading them towards Nirvana.

Second Path

The Path of Joining - (prayogamarga)

This is one of the shortest stages of mind and is divided into four stages: warmth, summit, acceptance, and supreme attribute. During this stage, one comes remarkably close to seeing the true nature of things - the Buddha Nature.

Third Path

The Path of Seeing - (darshanamarga)

This is where we begin to develop clarity by understanding emptiness or Shunyata and implementing the Path into our lives.

Fourth Path

The Path of Meditation - (bhavanamarga)

The path of meditation consists of meditating on and gaining familiarity with the wisdom of emptiness. This is where we move beyond duality, begin to cut through ignorance, and see our true Buddha nature underneath.

Fifth Path

The Path of No-More Learning - (vimuktimarga)

By completing the four previous paths successfully, we attain liberation or Enlightenment. However, attaining Enlightenment doesn't mean that we won't be reborn again. As Bodhisattvas, our choice is to stay in this world and help all sentient beings attain enlightenment first.

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