Find Your Retreat

This week, we are sharing retreats, lectures, articles, and classes that will assist you on your spiritual journey.

This week’s topic: Find Your Retreat

Whether you're looking for a guided meditation class, aiming to learn Tibetan for a better understanding of Buddhist scriptures, or desiring to embark on a silent retreat at a temple, we have you covered. This week, we are sharing retreats, lectures, articles, and classes that will assist you on your spiritual journey.

Geshe Wangyal old pictures tibetan temple in america

“Whether a dewdrop is on a flower or a heap of dung, the morning light sparkles on it just the same.”

Shundo Aoyama, Zen Seeds: 60 Essential Buddhist Teachings on Effort, Gratitude, and Happiness

Meditation Retreats :

Private Meditation Cabin Retreats (USA):
+1 (250) 429-3929
Learn More Here 🔗 

Live at a Zen Martial Arts Temple (USA)
Learn More Here 🔗

Retreat on Green Tara by Lama Döndrup Drölma (ONLINE)
Learn More Here 🔗

Online Courses:

Kalachakra Online
Watch Here🔗 

Learn to Read Your Prayers in Tibetan
Learn More Here 🔗

Natural Dharma Fellowship: Online Courses
Learn More Here 🔗

Make a Change:

Tibetan Nuns Project
Support Here 🔗

Zen Peace Makers
Learn More Here 🔗

Help Non Himalayan Nuns of Tibetan Tradition
Learn More Here 🔗

Buddha Land’s Articles:

Everything You Need to Know About Karma: here 🔗

The Powerful Mantra of Kurukulla: learn more here 🔗

Kagyu School of Tibetan Buddhism Explained: read the article here 🔗

Did you know?

The world’s northernmost Buddhist temple is Datsan Dashi Norbulin located in the Republic of Sakha, Russia.

Spiritual Practice Essentials